
Let's talk Jesus.

Monday, March 27, 2006

God is speaking to all of us and all of this Word is intended for one purpose, the oneness in love that Jesus prayed for us to have. He prayed this for us and he commanded this for us while he was here and he still prays and commands this. He has not changed. The unity of the Spirit is not some mental structure built up in our minds based upon superior knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. It comes through a common shared experience of knowing the Love of our God expressed in ways sometimes tailormade for us. God knows us and is always moving in our direction with gifts for us to enjoy and share. As we share the gifts of Love with each other the bond between us increases in strength and clarity with the express intent of revealing the living Christ in us and through us. As we share the Love that is in us with each other we fill in the blanks which remain unfilled. As these gaps are filled in, the image becomes clearer and we increasingly reflect the brilliance of our Maker. In the end we will be complete in Spirit and in Truth and will no longer be of two minds. We will be changed from mortal to immortal and death will no longer have power over us because the Life of God, this Love we share shall displace all traces of the state of spiritual death.

Friday, March 17, 2006

There seems to be so much pressure to conform to the image of Christ as seen in the mind of someone else, but not the vision of Him in our own heart. Yet, it is the Christ that we see that liberates us and invites us to follow Him into Life in the Spirit. You will find me over and over stating my love of Jesus and this is only right for as I look at Him I am swept clean by a tide of Holy Joy. Walk with me in this land of plenty where Eden is restored. There is no lack of any good thing in this place. Feasting is the order of the day. Love, its what's for dinner.