
Let's talk Jesus.

Monday, April 09, 2007

"Identity Transplant"
Whether one identity or many, all not of the Father, are false in the sense of not being a clear picture of Oneself. There is an essential You and this is the You that you must find. This essential You will free you from all sense of limitation and need to be validated by any group or individual. After all, is not the essential You validated, empowered, liberated, yes in everyway whole?
How could it be otherwise considering You are an image of the Father of Light, Lord of Creation.
This essentially serves as an identity transplant with the loss of all things resulting from the gaining of Oneself.
With this we understand the meaning of eternal. All things are subject to change including identities based upon flesh and blood. Who you are cannot and must not be one subject to influence and thus subject to modification. Even the body cannot be used as a frame of reference for identity. We are not the product of the biological process known as reproduction, our bodies yes, but we are not our bodies. Our bodies are no more than the clothes we wear. Even the mind cannot be us as it is subject to change. We, as essentially eternal in being, must be above all things in the material universe.
There was a me, a many me, created in the mind of many other many mees and accepted by the many me with many modifications influenced by the many mees.
Nobody knows who they are.
Only One ever knew His true Identity and walked in it. Because of the special circumstances leading to his birth, Jesus the Christ, was never confused about who He was in an eternal sense. God made sure that his caretakers understood His true Identity above all the earth identities based on gender, bloodline, ethnicity, and else all. This Identity was so strong that at twelve years old he was ready to be about His Father's business among the scripturally versed elite. Throughout the Gospel accounts He spoke of what would be the result of His life.
Others would be where He was.
The God in man shining through to them from without would appear to them within. This was assumed to be the Christ Jesus, yet the Christ Jesus appearing to Saul on the road to Damascus did not transform Paul into his essential Self. Paul always stated he was on a path to a place of which he could not see clearly the destination.
Jesus said "I am the light of the world" and in addition he said "You are the light of the world". By this He is essentially saying we are what He is. There must be some flaw in the way we see ourselves.
We see ourselves with the point of view based upon flesh even as "the Redeemed".
Its always the natural self being modified to reflect a distorted image of the eternal as seen from the mind of flesh. We are the old wineskin, the worn garments referred to in parable. These dead identites we hold are destined to sink into the the abyss of all things outside God. There is no hope for these falsities, only in the Identity that God has given us from the beginning and for all time. The eternal We are just that. All that God is are We also. Is this not Love, that We live in this world knowing Who We are as a part of the eternal One, full of Grace and Truth?


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