
Let's talk Jesus.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

"You are the Majority"
Jesus was in a boat with his followers, the most spiritual men on the planet as far as animal man is concerned. He was asleep because it was appropriate at the time. They all were in the same boat in a literal sense. Makes it easy to draw a comparison between the literal and figurative. So the story goes Jesus is sleeping and a great storm blows in in such a powerful and menacing way that the disciples were terrified. They woke Jesus and he commented on their lack of faith and with a Word calmed the sea. They were all in the same boat and all, but one, believed the worst. Jesus on the other hand was resting calmly getting ready for the next God event and the storm had no effect on him. It was only the terrified disciples that were able to wake him and he, coming directly out of sleep, was able to create an environment of peace. The circumstances of his surroundings, companions, and his own mind were not able to disturb his peace. He was not swayed by animal majority opinion, but established order external by order internal. He connected the eternal to the temporal and brought heaven on earth.
By telling this story I'm not trying to establish a behavior to mimic, but to show that even a tight knit group of highly spiritual Adamic men are ill equipped at best and at worst doomed to suffer the fate of all natural creatures. Yes, they had Jesus and were able to call on him for help, yet without him their strength faded and no more like Him appeared. They had limited successes after He left, but nothing to compare to Him. And they died.
Is this what Jesus brought? A life of limited success followed by death. I am persuaded otherwise and here is my reason. Jesus was cut from another cloth than they were. He was of the eternal and they were of the time and place. Jesus understood who He was and they understood who He was, but they didn't understand who They were. They still saw themselves in terms of the earth identities they walked in and eventually would die in. They looked for a physical return of Jesus and missed the revelation of Christ in Themselves, They being the Image of a Holy God housed in a temple of flesh composed of the soul and body. From birth Jesus thought of himself first in terms of Eternal Identity and then soul and body. All other men have always thought in just the opposite manner with the spiritual as something outside themselves even if they understood the spirit to be inside. With our external being we never know what we look like unless we see our reflection. Just as we have a physical image that is not us we have a spiritual image that is us. Our external image can be altered and distorted by physical means, yet our eternal image is uncorruptable by any means. The image in the mirror can never save us, in fact over time more and more signs of decline become evident while the eternal image when looked upon can only deliver life as is proper for an image of the Eternal One.



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