"The Mold is Not the Image"
Sand casting is used to produce duplicates objects based upon some master pattern object. The master is placed in a box partially filled with sand, then another frame is placed on top of the box and the master is covered with the sand which is then compacted. After compacting the sand the top frame is lifted with sand intact from the master which is then removed from the bottom frame and the top frame with sand is placed back on top of the bottom. Molten metal is then poured into the mold reproducing an exact replica of the master.
In the mind of God exists an image of himself that in appearance is exactly like you. This is one of his many faces to the world. If you've seen you, you've seen the Father. If you've seen you, you know who you are. You are an image of the Father and when this Identity is your identity you have the mind of Christ. Christ Jesus never walked the earth with an identity other than his eternal Identity, that given him by the Father. His Identity was revealed to his mother Mary before his conception and she never impressed another identity upon his mind. He walked the earth clothed in flesh knowing who he was. This Identity was not based upon bloodline, gender, education, or any other characteristic we are taught from birth and before to recognize as our identity.
Any identity other than our eternal is in direct contradiction to the will of God, All opposition to God's will, will be made extinct. Not by any direct action on God's part, but by natural means. That which is solely natural is subject to all physical laws. The mind not connected to God must pass away as no creative power is fed to it. At the end of the chain is the body which is totally at the mercy of all environmental factors its subjected to, both external and internal. If the mind is that of death so must the body be subjected to it. The Identity of God is pure power, pure love, and pure life in every respect.
The natural man receives images and accepts or rejects them in accordance with his own set of experiences thus altering his image of himself. Through this process one could never become oneself because all impressions come from external sources. Even Jesus is viewed through natural eyes. Even though these images can produce good behavior they can never produce the eternal Identity. We recognize the divine in Christ and this image gets processed and interpreted by the natural mind thus corruption the image. It is impossible to get the image right for ourselves because we are ourselves corrupted. Each step can only get us halfway there and the distance is eternity. Even if Christ appeared to us in the spirit we would still be us, unable to close the gap, yet longing to be like him. We can never be like him in this identity.
So what's the solution?
We need a new identity. Not that given by man, but that given by God. In that Identity we no longer need to be like Jesus because we are like him. We are eternal beings clothed with flesh walking the earth as an extension of God, in His Image.
The sand in the box is not the image of the master, it is an impression. The image is that which is formed in the impression. The impression has two sides, each distinct from the other, much like good and evil, darkness and light, positive and negative, or any other dual natures. The image is one inseparable from itself. The Image of God can only product God's qualities. We could examine those qualities for eternity and all added together would never equal God. God is God, who He is, not what He is.
It is the same with us. Only in the mind of God is God's image of you. Find that You in God and live.
Sand casting is used to produce duplicates objects based upon some master pattern object. The master is placed in a box partially filled with sand, then another frame is placed on top of the box and the master is covered with the sand which is then compacted. After compacting the sand the top frame is lifted with sand intact from the master which is then removed from the bottom frame and the top frame with sand is placed back on top of the bottom. Molten metal is then poured into the mold reproducing an exact replica of the master.
In the mind of God exists an image of himself that in appearance is exactly like you. This is one of his many faces to the world. If you've seen you, you've seen the Father. If you've seen you, you know who you are. You are an image of the Father and when this Identity is your identity you have the mind of Christ. Christ Jesus never walked the earth with an identity other than his eternal Identity, that given him by the Father. His Identity was revealed to his mother Mary before his conception and she never impressed another identity upon his mind. He walked the earth clothed in flesh knowing who he was. This Identity was not based upon bloodline, gender, education, or any other characteristic we are taught from birth and before to recognize as our identity.
Any identity other than our eternal is in direct contradiction to the will of God, All opposition to God's will, will be made extinct. Not by any direct action on God's part, but by natural means. That which is solely natural is subject to all physical laws. The mind not connected to God must pass away as no creative power is fed to it. At the end of the chain is the body which is totally at the mercy of all environmental factors its subjected to, both external and internal. If the mind is that of death so must the body be subjected to it. The Identity of God is pure power, pure love, and pure life in every respect.
The natural man receives images and accepts or rejects them in accordance with his own set of experiences thus altering his image of himself. Through this process one could never become oneself because all impressions come from external sources. Even Jesus is viewed through natural eyes. Even though these images can produce good behavior they can never produce the eternal Identity. We recognize the divine in Christ and this image gets processed and interpreted by the natural mind thus corruption the image. It is impossible to get the image right for ourselves because we are ourselves corrupted. Each step can only get us halfway there and the distance is eternity. Even if Christ appeared to us in the spirit we would still be us, unable to close the gap, yet longing to be like him. We can never be like him in this identity.
So what's the solution?
We need a new identity. Not that given by man, but that given by God. In that Identity we no longer need to be like Jesus because we are like him. We are eternal beings clothed with flesh walking the earth as an extension of God, in His Image.
The sand in the box is not the image of the master, it is an impression. The image is that which is formed in the impression. The impression has two sides, each distinct from the other, much like good and evil, darkness and light, positive and negative, or any other dual natures. The image is one inseparable from itself. The Image of God can only product God's qualities. We could examine those qualities for eternity and all added together would never equal God. God is God, who He is, not what He is.
It is the same with us. Only in the mind of God is God's image of you. Find that You in God and live.
Hi 7t,
Very interesting post. I particularly liked: “We are eternal beings clothed with flesh walking the earth as an extension of God, in His Image” and “Only in the mind of God is God's image of you. Find that You in God and live.”
-- Vance
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